• 2021-2022
Safety in off-piste skiing

Téléverbier and WEMountain join forces


Avalanche safety equipment is all well and good, but knowing how to prevent an accident and use this equipment is vital. That’s why Téléverbier, an undertaking operating a ski area known around the world for its off-piste skiing, and WEMountain have decided to join forces, with the aim of preparing skiers for the season and off-piste skiing in the safest way possible.

WEMountain is the first international mountain and avalanche safety programme, combining e-learning with t-learning (i.e. online and on-the-ground learning). Developed with international experts, the training is fun, easy and effective, and proposes a universal, standardised approach. The aim here is to raise awareness among skiers of the potential dangers of their sport and encourage them to educate themselves, while making the training accessible to and understandable for all.

This training also brings together a united, responsible community representing all mountain professionals in order to ensure safety and safeguard the future of off-piste skiing. The programme delves into a wide variety of topics, such as the fundamentals of avalanche risk management, perfecting the risk management process and validating prior learning on the ground.

Partners are invited to access one of the e-learning courses free of charge by writing to wereadyou@w3mountain.com

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WEMountain | © Dom Daher

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WEMountain | © Dom Daher

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WEMountain | © Dom Daher

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WEMountain | © Dom Daher

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Carole Moos
Chief Commercial Officer